We’ve got the location!


Let’s think about what would be the perfect location for a ReStore? Our dream spot should meet the following criteria:


  • convenient transport – so that you can quickly get to us to do some shopping or to participate in the workshops;
  • a place to park nearby – it’s more convenient for most of us to drive a car when we want to do more shopping;
  • an option to make deliveries – we’re dealing with some bigger items, so it would be best to deliver a sofa or a wardrobe to a warehouse;
  • a lot of pedestrians nearby – we want to be visible, but what good is visibility, if there is no one to see us?
  • big enough area – we want our building to fit a store, a warehouse, an educational zone, a workshop, an office segment, and a social segment for our employees – that requires a lot of room.


Finding the perfect spot is no easy task. After some tedious searching through the offers of the real estate market in Warsaw, we’ve reached an important decision for our project and located the enterprise in the Bródno district. To be more precise – in the commercial building at Łojewska 12. We did it!



There’s enough space to take and store deliveries, the shop area meets our needs, and on top of that, there’s room for the educational zone and the workshop. We’re already planning how to arrange the rooms we’ll need. As of right now, the building isn’t as beautiful as it could be and it needs some work, but we can already see how wonderful it will look in the future (fortunately, that doesn’t require too much imagination).

We’re going to be in an interesting neighborhood – there’s the Primary School next to us, the “Lira” Community Center across the street, and one more community center not so far from us. Apart from that, there are various shops, sports facilities, and restaurants. The neighborhood is alive and we’re so glad it is!

It’s finally done. The contract is signed. Time to get to work. Keep your fingers crossed and follow the news regarding our project!